Movie Website

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eol nuha

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Sep 10, 2020

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This website was created using python flask for backend and javascript, html, css for frontend and also sqlite3 database.


1. Users can watch movies, tv shows or even news on this website.

2. The home page has a slider that recommends the latest movies and tv shows on the website.

3. Movies and Tv shows have a box with youtube trailers for users to watch before they start to watch the actual movie or tv episode.

4. When watching an episode, there are two buttons with links for the next and previous episodes.

5. Movies and Tv shows have a description box for describing in short points what happens in that movie or tv show.

6. Has a suggestion box for users to suggest a movie or tv show that isn't on your website by sending an email to the admin of the website.

7. Has a search engine for users to search movies, tv shows or even specific seasons or episodes of that season.

8. It is a responsive website, so it is compatible for all kinds of devices.

How the website works: The website server has a static, templates and database file. In the static file are stored all the images, videos and styles of the website, the images and videos should be the exact same name as the movie or tv show that is saved on the databse. In the templates file are stored all html files for the templates of the website. And in the sqlite3 database file are stored all the movies and tv shows details. The database has three tables, one table for movies and their informations (name, genre, description, youtube trailer link), the second table is for tv shows but with just some of the information(name, genre, description, youtube trailer link), and in the third table are the same tv shows but with more information(name, season, number of episodes for that season, description, youtube trailer link)

And for last, the videos of the movies and tv shows don't come with the source code, but there is an example video to show where the movie should be , and this website has a lot of bootstrap and javascript links, so you should be online to use this.

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  • 📁 Movie Website

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